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17 September 2022

KoreK chopchop, Kismet, Gateway Ubuntu

This is second part of pentesting how to (Ultimate Ubuntu Guide). Lessons from 1 to 9 you can find at How to crack WEP. In this …  will register it self in system like iface ath0. Madwifi driver exists in old and ng version of Kismet. If driver runs in old …  to experiment with another versions. Controlling the wifi adapter Atheros on the last releases of madwifi-ng is little bit …

17 September 2022

Capturing WPA-PSK handshake

WLAN Hacking – WPA-PSK handshake. The deauth atack with Aireplay-ng -0 wants to …  – Crack WPA The process works on drivers hostap, madwifi a madwifi-ng. At first we switch the card into the monitor mode. There … Useful links Everything about WiFi hacking is detaily described in tutorial Hacking wireless networks, some tricks …

17 September 2022

Bluetooth Security & Vulnerabilities

BlueTooth Hacking. The text will be continuously completed with pictures and links for …  directly for Bluetooth. As well as in the case with WiFi there is not necessary a cable for connecting two devicees. Expansion of …  functional compilation of the application Bluediving under Ubuntu (for better availability all tutorials are writen on Ubuntu, as well as …

16 September 2022

Cracking WPA-PSK secured Wireless Networks

WiFi Hacking part III. – WPA-PSK cracking. The text about cracking WPA coding …  and the WEP vulnerability topic is descibed in tutorial Hacking WiFi. Catching handshake is shown in the text Attacking wireless …

16 September 2022

Exploiting with Metasploit – Hacking Windows XP Box

…  2 Final Wi-Fi: CM9, Yagi 17dB (driver: patched madwifi) Aplication: Aircrack, Kismet, Nmap, Ettercap, Metasploit Box: PI, …  reading (Aircarck, Kismet usage etc.) which is in the text Hacking Wifi 3. In the net. Server DHCP is active on the net. Reset cards. …

16 September 2022

Wireless Hacking – Ultimate Ubuntu Guide

Operating system in the tutorial: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake (works also with Ubuntu 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, 8.04 – see link for patching hostap in newer Ubuntu distro), Hardware you meet in the tutorial: WiFi adapters Z-Com XI-626 (Prism 2.5), CM9 (Atheros), Application: Aircrack …

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