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Výsledky pro hledaný výraz ‘word’

Wifite WEP & WPA password key cracker

…  session summary at exit; shows any cracked keys all passwords saved to cracked.txt built-in updater: ./ …  WPA handshakes: ./ -all -dict /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst To attack all WPA access points, but do not try to …

Utilizing multiple CPU cores for password cracking

…  to crack, we will use the files (handshake capture and word-list) already distributed with coWPAtty. Just to be complete, we are …  -s linksys The resulting speed is 81.58 words per second, and as you can see in top, coWPAtty is using only one …  coWPAtty’s running in 2 terms First we split the supplied word-list into two. The dictionary is about 82 KB big, so the halves will be 41 …

Windows Admin Password Reset

Did you forget your Admin Windows XP password? High-level user will choose application Ophcrack. This GUI application is Windows password cracker. It uses rainbow tables and needs some time. For more elegant and …

Installing ipkg & mc (Midnight Commander & more) NAS Synology DS212j

…  for pentesting WPA, for sure run a NAS server, in other words they have a storage with TBs of free space. NAS, made by Synology, is …

Kali Linux Offensive Security 12122012

…  Goddess of time and change? Philippine martial art? Cool word in Swahili? None of the above. “Kali” is simply the name we came up …

Abhinav Singh Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook

…  Among its capabilities belong smart exploitation, password auditing, web application scanning, and social engineering.. URL to …  Exploitation and Antivirus bypass covering: IE, Word, Adobe Reader, payloads, and killing anti-virus Chapter 5: Using …

Evilgrade Toolkit helping with fake updates

…  the word compound of evil and grade, you see there will be something evil about …

Aircrack-ng optimalization for CPU with SSE2

There is a nice modified version of aircrack-ng I found on their website It is optimized for CPUs with the SSE2 instruction set (what is SSE2?). For classic dictionary attack on WPA key, it is able to speed things up to 500% compared a n …