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Katalog ‘vulnerability’

The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) pentesting tool for web browsers.

BeEF BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework) is an efficient professional security tool, that provides the experienced pentester with practical client side attack vectors (including mobile clients). BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual security posture of a target environment. It examines explotability within the context of web browsers. BeEF works on the base of hooking one or more web browsers as beachhead for the launching of directed command modules.

WEP cracking Intel Centrino, OmniPeek + winAircrack

wireless hacking windows intel Network Monitoring, WEP Crack with ipw3945 adapter :: Platform: Windows :: Application: OmniPeek 4.1, winAircrack Driver: Hardware: ipw3945 (older intel centrino adapters works too). Base: Crack WEP, Windows ipw3945, Monitor mode. Driver The description of possibilities of the application OmniPeek and the card ipw3945 when using the conventional driver intel the wireless can be opetrated (download link for all the apps in the text).

Wireless Hacking – Ultimate Ubuntu Guide

ubuntu wifi hacking Operating system in the tutorial: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake (works also with Ubuntu 6.10, 7.04, 7.10, 8.04, 9.04, 10.04 – see link for patching hostap in newer Ubuntu distro), Hardware you meet in the tutorial: WiFi adapters Z-Com XI-626 (Prism 2.5), CM9 (Atheros), Application: Aircrack Pack, Kismet, tcpdump, Driver: HostAP + packet injection patch tutorial. Question and discussion is moved to the other things in the Forum Ubuntu Security thread.

Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows CommView Hack

aircrack wep cracked Tutorila How to Packet injection Aireplay-ng Windows XP. Operating system Microsoft Windows XP SP2. Wireless card: CM9 (WNC AR5213) + miniPCI/PCI reduction. Aplictions: package Aircrack-ng-win 0.9. Driver: CommView for Netgear + library (older commview.dll or new ca2k.dll). Read Metasploit Hacking Windows. Feel free ask for or post txt mistakes.

(All the software used in the tutorial it’s possible to download in the download DIR.