We were able to get pictures of USB wireless card Edimax EW-7318 USg taken to pieces. As you can see on the picture the hack antenna on the modele without connector for external antenna will be trivial. The mother board is at all models the same. If you have an older or “non-antenna” USB WiFi adapter Edimax you can go ahead doing modifications.No need to write more. The card without the driver modification works and injects almost at every Linux distribution. In BackTrack Linux (mode monitor + packet Injection), in Ubuntu Linux after a small driver tuning.
The version on the picture has a connector for external antenna. The text at the end only mentiones an easy connector adding on the external antenna on a lower series USB adapters that don’t have the connector. The same chipset (internal) based wireless cards: Belkin F5D7050 EF, Belkin F5D7050 ES, D-Link DWL-G122, Linksys WUSB54 GC, Linksys WUSB54 GR.
Fully taken to pieces USB, There´s not many things without the case 🙂
The Wireless USB adapter Motherboard
Connector Detail
If you have and will remake Edimaxe UG or some other modifications for external antenna, let us know. To see what other WiFi cards cad do look for text wifi adapters and applications. Important to check notes about Edimax and links to tutorial how to serialmonkey drivers under Backtrack Linux distribution. Card mentioned also in the Charon tool text
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