Lets look at an interesting and 100% functional graphic extension for WEP/WPA crack pack of applications, aicrack-ng (airodump-ng, aireplay-ng, aircrack-ng). The application was tested in the reality, in the operating system Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx. USB WiFi card used for the test is Alfa AWUS050NH. This card was bought thanks to your donations (check out text five wireless adapters for wireless hacking). The used driver is the original part of Ubuntu Linux (rt2800USB). Besides the pack aircrack-ng and MDK3 there are specified for the error free functioning mentioned dependances: gtk-sharp2, libncurses5-dev, monodevelop, libqyoto4.5-cil, qyoto-dev.
Katalog ‘wifi’
Some of you might have seen other tools for charting the network layout by analyzing captured traffic like EtherApe. Well the aircrack-ng team have worked on a tool of their own called airgraph-ng. Now you cannot expect it to be extra stable right away, but it will definitely help you understand the airodump-ng’s output especialy. You can find it in the aircrack-ng package in the scripts subdirectory as it is a simple python script.
We were able to get pictures of USB wireless card Edimax EW-7318 USg taken to pieces. As you can see on the picture the hack antenna on the modele without connector for external antenna will be trivial. The mother board is at all models the same. If you have an older or “non-antenna” USB WiFi adapter Edimax you can go ahead doing modifications.No need to write more. The card without the driver modification works and injects almost at every Linux distribution.
Why free wifi hot-spot list? For sure you were sometimes looking for a Free Wi-Fi Hot Spot. The internet is overloaded with commercial offers so we have decided to uncover part of our private Free WiFi Hot Spots database. From now on it is available for everyone. The database will be still growing so if you won’t find your hot spot connection today it could be there tomorrow. The database insert is free and we would be happy for your input from all around the world.
WLAN Hacking – WPA-PSK handshake. The deauth atack with Aireplay-ng -0 wants to disconect the client from Access Point and after reconnecting get by tapping the handshake. But the process fails. Now what? Be aware that there is another (maybe better and easier) way how to get the data for crack WPA. Wireshark is a strong application and the technology that will be described can be used in other ways like for universal sniffing of the net traffic.
Updated. Now Windows browser Internet Explorer supported! It’s accessable interactive WiFi WarDriving Map of Access Points with search. English is not necessary. Most of record (at this time) is in the Prague (Czech Republic, Europe) so don’t search other places. The new database search is complete. The database search is now linked to map. Just click in search result on arbitrary row and you will be switched to map to see the locality of Access Point.
WiFi Hacking part III. – WPA-PSK cracking. The text about cracking WPA coding is an alternative to the classic process (dictionary atack – cracking WPA key with Aircrack-ng and wordlist). I have used Cowpatty, John the Ripper and genPMK. Additionaly to the pentest you can get hash at Lostboxen (6GB) or at Shmoo (35GB) and wordlist for generating your own control sums..
Update. The project is stopped for now (last check and the news last update in september 2008 ). Be patient and hope ‘ll be continue. In the forum you can view topic with screenshots and url to interesting GUI application for Windows users called AiroWizard. It’s graphic tool (interface) for Windows aircrack-ng suite and applications included in the pack. It provide GUI interface for manipulating with card and applications in the pack. For more information enter the airDump.net Forum. Posted by NaZirCon.