Modifying a Bluetooth dongle for an external antenna. BlueTooth is today a standard part of every notebook and a better mobile phone. To bad if you want to do BlueJacking or BlueSnarfing and the bluetooth is in your computer only as a fashion accessory (module glued-on the WiFi card). In that case you have only two possibilities. Take out the pigtail to connect the external antenna. It´s not much fun to make holes into the new laptop. Who has tried it found out
Katalog ‘bluetooth’
BlueTooth Hacking. The text will be continuously completed with pictures and links for download. BlueTooth is a great technology that is implemented in several mobile device. For communication with other device no cable is necessary and there is a lot of applications dedicated directly for Bluetooth. As well as in the case with WiFi there is not necessary a cable for connecting two devicees. Expansion of Symbian based mobile phones will probably bring into this sector many new possibilities.