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Katalog pro December, 2012

Android Framework for Exploitation (AFE): An efficient framework for Anroid Exploitation



AFE is an open source project which aim is to demonstrate      the    existence of security holes in the popular mobile  operating system. It also shows that Android botnet is certainly possible.

Thanks to this framework, it is easy to create automated malware and botnets for Android Platform for your analysis
(which you can even use to check the effeciency of your Antivirus), find vulnerabilities (such as Leaking Content Providers, Insecure File Storage, Directory Traversal and many others), gain access to apps, use exploits, and
execute arbitrary commands on infected devices. 

Kali Linux Offensive Security 12122012

kali-linuxIt’s been 7 years since we released our first version of BackTrack Linux, and the ride so far has been exhilarating. When the dev team started talking about BackTrack 6 (almost a year ago), each of us put on paper a few “wish list goals” that we each wanted implemented in our “next version”.

Scrapping it All and Starting Afresh

It soon became evident to us that with our 4 year old development architecture, we would not be able to achieve all these new goals without a massive restructure, so, we massively restructured. We realized it would be easier to start afresh, using new technologies and processes than to try to patch up our existing environment to conform to Debian policies and standards. This realization brought upon the next question…
Ubuntu vs. Debian