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Katalog pro February, 2009

Utilizing multiple CPU cores for password cracking

Cowpatty cracker logoAs the market with CPU has moved to multi-core solutions as a alternative method to increase computation power, intensive computing applications are not adapting to this fact so quickly. A Lot of people still don’t know that the system is not able to split tasks into more threads and distribute the work evenly upon the cores. This task is on the application developer who has to implement the multi-thread supporting mechanism.

Evilgrade Toolkit helping with fake updates

Evilgrade iconFrom the word compound of evil and grade, you see there will be something evil about this piece of software and upgrades. It is a modular framework for supplying clients with fake updates that can contain a wide scale of payloads. The problem of poorly implemented actualization routines has been well know for quite some time now, but it seems it has been greatly overlooked. In the time of creation Evilgrade (summer 2008), very popular software has been vulnerable to this kind of exploit such as

Remote Exploit – BackTrack 4 Beta released

BackTrack 4 BetaAfter demonstrating and still tweaking the nervously expected BackTrack 4 beta at shmoocon, it is now available for download from some number of official mirrors. There are several torrents named bt4 but believe they are full of malware. The Remote-Exploit encourages you to download it directly from them. They have made a big decision on this version – moved from from Slackware to (as we have seen) an Ubuntu server with