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Katalog pro January, 2009

Aircrack-ng optimalization for CPU with SSE2

Aircrack logo There is a nice modified version of aircrack-ng I found on their website It is optimized for CPUs with the SSE2 instruction set (what is SSE2?). For classic dictionary attack on WPA key, it is able to speed things up to 500% compared a not optimized version. I made a test using BackTrack 3 with CPU Intel Core2Duo P8400 2.26 GHz, cowpatty 4.3, aircrack-ng 1.0 rc1 and aircrack-ng-wpa-sse2. For this test I will use a dictionary and a handshake (wpapsk-linksys.dump) from Cowpatty package. The results are on the screenshots.