Topic: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

Hi, I would like to ask, if somebody knows about materials that explain how you contact with access point (I’m interested in version b, the one with wide-spread spectrum). Thanx for any answer. I was googling but most of the materials talk about it from the network point of view. I’m looking for information that explain which packet the client sends, with which packet the AP answers, how the communication runs at the beginning of the connection with AP.


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

Are you looking for something like geek.nl/stuff/tcpip.mpg ? Try turning on Wireshark and connect to Access Point, you will see in detail everything what is going on, exactly how is it happening.


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

Nice video, but I was looking for something little bit more professional, but anyway thanx for advice. I want to understand how exactly my wifi system can find out the spreading sequence…how it joins the communication where already are lots of other client systems


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

The system doesn’t identify anything. It’s the same as radio. It knows some frequence and if the frequence is known by receiver and even transceiver they can communicate together. The communication starts at the very moment of the client connection to Access Point. In the amount of data the client and transceiver identifies them selfs only by ESSID, MAC address and control sum in the packet header + performance of what contains whatever part of the packet. I suggest to study network model, layers, ax, tcp/ip.


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

I understand that, but in the version b I communicate in the wide-spread spectrum, where that spreading is thanks to pseudo-accidental consecution… How does it find out the pseudo-accidental consecution?


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

You are identifying pseudo-accidental? Joking, right?


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

This could be misunderstanding. Lets says that I want to create a system communicating through wifi. Besides that I need to know how the transceiver and receiver are controlled… That means management of radio sources.. For GMS I have found this: eventhelix.com/RealtimeMantra/Telecom/GSM_Originating_Call_Flow.pdf I’m looking for something similar for WIFI


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

OK.. and there’s nothing about spectrum and chipset specification on Google?? 🙂 As far as I know for example Atheros usually in detail describes every its chipset including illustrations and each modulation is available including documentation and formulas. It is done by Berkley for example.


Re: WiFi in wide-spread spectrum – Technical documentation

If your talking about the FHSS. The basics are here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency-hopping_spread_spectrum#Basic_algorithm . If you wanty to know the specifications, youll probably have to read thhe 802.11b papers. But the b standard uses DSSS which doesnt channelhop. The FCC requires at least 15 channels to hop on (can stay at one channel max 400ms) as far as I know.

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