Topic: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

Hi, I have installed on my laptop windows and besides that 12 GB free space. I want to install there Backtrack 2, but after successful installation the does not even ask which system I want to choose. It just puts Backtarack there. I have tried to modify boot.ini in win but it did not help. I have even tried modifications directly in backtrack(do not remember name of the file) but nothing happened. Please advise, will be grateful for any advice. Thanks, I am fed up by googling :/

sacad’s Website


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

Hi. Bootloader in Windows is after BackTrack installation out of the game. That means that its modification without restoring (fixmbr)  is useless.
There are more possibilities.. It needs to be specified.. Do not know what would be the best..
You can..
1. correct, edit and use win$ bootloader (to complicated)
2. configure lilo in the case that BackTrack is installed on hardisc and does not boot already from CD (just edit lilo.conf in backtrack -> fastest)
3. grub (needs to be installed and configurated)
4. use it as it is (keep win$) and if neccessary boot into win$ from disk

Post here dump of the mount command and configuration /etc/lilo.conf from BackTrack. If something is unclear just ask again…



Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

The most easy option is no. 2, just look at the command output mount and edit relevant hdaX. After /etc/lilo.conf editation do not forget execute lilo and reboot. Boot menu looks like this.

boot=/dev/hda   # bootloader is stored in MBR of the first physical hardisc
prompt          # shows menu
delay=100       # and after 10 sec
default=linux   # linux automaticly starts up

other=/dev/hda1  # another operating system in the first logical disc
  label=windows  # has in the menu name "windows"
  table=/dev/hda # Windows boot table

image=/boot/vmlinuz # linux kernel
  label=linux       # has in the menu name "linux"
  root=/dev/hda2    # root partition
read-only         # mount with read only rights


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

Don´t  you think it´s better to wait for his answer instead of advising something in advance? What if he heas SATA disc? PS: The lilo command execution is very important.


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

fatbozz wrote:

The most easy option is no. 2…

OK I will try it as you suggest … just don´t have time now … thanks to all for help

sacad’s Website


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

My mount dump

/dev/sda5 on / type auto (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
usbfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw,devgid=10,devmode=0666)
/dev/sda1 on /mnt/sda1 type ntfs (ro,noatime)
/dev/sda5 on /mnt/sda5 type ext3 (rw,noatime)
/dev/sda6 on /mnt/sda6 type ntfs (ro,noatime)

na sda1 mam WInXP, na sd5 mam BT, a na sda6 mam data

My lilo.conf bol inaksi looks differently, I have tried to modify it according the above mentioned instruction

boot = /dev/sda
timeout = 10
vga = 0x317
image = /boot/vmlinuz
  root = current
  initrd = /boot/splash.initrd
  label = bt

I have done it on:

boot = /dev/sda
delay = 100
default = windows

other = /dev/sda1
  label = windows
  table = /dev/sda

image = /boot/vmlinuz
  label = BackTrack
  root = /dev/sda5

After reboot I haven´t seen anything anyway 🙁

Last edited by pacho (2022-09-04 20:59:56)

D-link G520 revize B3, chipset Atheros AR 2414A, smerova antena Micro 8 Zisk: 8 dBi


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

Hi.., I don´t understand how you could do it exactly according to the above mentioned instruction. Are you sure you have the exactly same partition configuration (table)? Do you even have PATA or SATA harddisc?


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

No I have SATA disc. I did not copy the instruction exactly. I think I did it correctly. But anyway I don´t see the option at the boot. I don´t execute lilo command, only edit and reboot.
Edit: I have did it as recommended (lilo + enter) and added Windows and Backtrack showed. After restarting it works.

Last edited by pacho (2022-09-05 06:32:27)

D-link G520 revize B3, chipset Atheros AR 2414A, smerova antena Micro 8 Zisk: 8 dBi


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

That´s exactly what I ment. Great you figured it out. BTW lilo is highly configurable bootloader (you can configure splash screen, lock with a password, change colours etc.)


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

OK, thanks. I will change the background becaouse default is boring.

D-link G520 revize B3, chipset Atheros AR 2414A, smerova antena Micro 8 Zisk: 8 dBi


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

I have found a link for animated background. Don´t know how to do this.


Is it going to work on Backtrack lilo? (the tutorial does not mentione Backtrack)

Last edited by pacho (2022-09-06 18:40:10)

D-link G520 revize B3, chipset Atheros AR 2414A, smerova antena Micro 8 Zisk: 8 dBi


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

I use Backtrack + Windows, my lilo.config is:

### Global section
### Boot screen section.
## Note: Uncomment only ONE of the following:
# message=/usr/share/lilo-bootscreens/xray-green.boot
## Linux kernel image:

## Yes, we can boot windoze too….
## Uncomment next two lines if you have memtest under /opt/memtest
# image=/opt/memtest/memtest.bin
# label="memtest"

I use blue background. Don´t forget after modification lilo.conf execute in console

bt-# lilo -v


Re: Bootloader modification after Backtrack 2 installation

Your configuration Bruno doesn´t work for me (65 000 B error) so I don´t know what´s going on. I will still try to figure it out.

D-link G520 revize B3, chipset Atheros AR 2414A, smerova antena Micro 8 Zisk: 8 dBi