Topic: Cracking Mikrotik router password

Hello, I’m looking fr a way to get gain acces to a Mikotik router. Is there a way to get the login and password?

Last edited by 12fingerz (2022-03-25 11:53:57)


Re: Cracking Mikrotik router password

I have a feeling that these devices start ignoring clients that have reached bad login attempt. If you cannot use brute force, I’d recommend using pretty configurable apolication called Brutus(hoobie.net).
But if you have physical access to the device, resetting it or using the serial connection would be faster.

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Re: Cracking Mikrotik router password

I will try that Butus program and will see how long its going to take. I dont feel like restarting and messing with the settings.


Re: Cracking Mikrotik router password

The pocedure is  not that complicated. You would connenct to the reuter with a UTP, Com – Com or Com – USB cable. After reset the process is same as with OpenWRT on Linksys. In Safe Mode by  pressing Enter, you get into a special menu for upgrading firmware,  diagnstics and boot options where you set up DHCP. After restart the MikroTik  router givees you shell  access. Then you just mount and copy the passwods file.If they are hashed, you’lll need to crack that. Oh,and after restart, you connenct via Telnet or TFTP. You can watch with Wireshark how the routers sends out a nootificatioon nafter restart.

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Re: Cracking Mikrotik router password

Hello to all! I’m looking for a person, who could teach me to get access to a wireless network. I’m ready to download any required programs and to start learning. I’m ready to pay if this works. Thanks to all in advance. If there’s anyone who might help me, here’s my e-mail   [email protected]