Topic: Help with home network topology

Hallo, I need some advice from a computer netwoking expert to help me layout internet in my building.

I need it to work this way:

Internet service provider which will give me access to internet – I don’t care which connection  (adsl,wifi etc.),
Need to provide this connection to the whole building with WIFI – no cables pssible.
The signal has to cover from 2nd to 9th floor, posibility to place routers in floor 3 and 5, the walls areee pretty thin, but the cielings are thick, thats why a really strong power WIFI router will probably be needed.
Next, I need the bandwidth to be enouogh to have at most 100ms lag for playing games.
I also need to block all traffic except ports 25,80,110 after reaching a download limit. I’d likee to use deep packet inspection too to enforce this.

Any recomendations and equipment? or some advice on which main connection to use?
The strengt and a fast connection is important…


Re: Help with home network topology

All access points have about the same output power limited by the authorities. I’d strongly rerecomend you reconcider using UTP cables for a building network.


Re: Help with home network topology

The problem is that I’m not allowed to lead wires around the building. Do you  think ASUS WL- 500gP would reach 3 floors with it’s Broadrange technology?


Re: Help with home network topology

Yeah, I have seen a few ‘not allowed to lead wires around the building’. Network cable goiong trough ducts where water and sewer pipes go where nooone will know about it and othe places, but if it is a problem..Another option is to put the Access Point on the opposite building so everyone will have their antena on the window. Though going touogh  the walls might work, it is not a very elegant solution.


Re: Help with home network topology

did you just ask the owner? Which building owner wouldn’t want a metalic network in it.
But if he really doesn’t, a possibilty is one of those Ethernet over power lines technologies.


Re: Help with home network topology

Hey guys,
I am new to this forum but I know quite a few things.
Anyway I keep getting this problem when I use wi-fi connection..


Re: Help with home network topology


The problem is that I’m not allowed to lead wires around the building. Do you  think ASUS WL- 500gP would reach 3 floors with it’s Broadrand technology?