Topic: Discussion Aircrack

Discussion New lzm packs Aircrack etc.. from airdump.net. No registration needed – but.. registered user are automaticly subscribed to the topic 🙂


Re: Discussion Aircrack

i like backtrack 3, and request


Re: Discussion Aircrack

Hi is it possible to do Aircrack with intel centrino wireless pro 3945 ABG network on windows xp pro or i need to get different type of network wireless adapter please let me know what do i need thank you


Re: Discussion Aircrack

I have the same wireless intel 3945abg on Windows XP Pro, did u find anything to work with it for airdump? Plz let me know. Thx


Re: Discussion Aircrack

yes it is possible, all you have to do is configure your card so it can go into monitor mode, then once you get the key just switch it back. all you pretty much have to do is open WinISO and put the iso file for backtrack, whax whatever, open bt older, go to moduals and drag in the configuration setting to that folder then re-write the disc. once you do that boot up your software and on the desktop of whatever software you are using there will be 2 icons, one is the monitor mode configuration and the other is the original configuration (the on to connect to networks with). good luck


Re: Discussion Aircrack

drew Hi, I read ur method but I think I need more explanation in details, can u plz write it in more details. Thanks


Re: Discussion Aircrack

hey again, i will try to do this step by step for you.

1. first you download the backtrack 2 final iso file (an iso file is a cd image, so you would need a program that you can burn iso files with, i personaly use NERO 8)

2. you need to find a cracked version of the program "WinISO" (this program is for editing ISO files)

3. follow the following link, this link will provide all the details on how to edit your iso file, the driver that you need to download is right under the video demonstration. http://infinityexists.com/2007/10/25/ho … cktrack-2/

i hope you figure it out, i know it took me a while to figure it out. if you have any problems, ask away!


Re: Discussion Aircrack

hey Drew, I want to thank you for ur demo, i’ll try as soon as possible and keep u informed


Re: Discussion Aircrack

Im in the same boat pal and I’ve been at it for a while but I think were screwed.
It is possible to do WEP cracks using Omnipeek Personal and winaircrack, however because of the Intel pro 3945’s inability to support packet injection software on windows it takes an insane amount of time unless you have heaps of traffic on the taget network. See http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/in … 7.msg11911 for more details than I can give.
Secondly to crack WPA with your setup is also unfessable because without packet injection you cant run a deauth attack to pick up a Handshake, unless you can get lucky without it. I advise getting another Network adaptor if you can afford it but see how you go with this guys Tutorial and let me know if you get there. Good Luck.


Re: Discussion Aircrack

It need about 30k ivs to crack a 64 bit key use 1.0 beta 2 and it need more than 150k use 0.92. Can anyone tell me why?


Re: Discussion Aircrack

Anyone can you tel me why i dont have a -r switch in aircrack-ng beta 2 ? I have linux mint (ubuntu clone) and i have installed all the depenceys along with beta2, so i have no idea.. For the record both aircrack-ng & airodump-ng both of them all comferm beta 2