Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

is it working with newer versions of omnopeek like omnipeek enterprise 5.0?


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Can anyone teach me how to crack wep? Cause tis is my final year project, due date is coming soon. Bloody now.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hi. Does anyone know why I have in the captured data file only 1 IVS??


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hi. You have to setup MAC and type of packet filtering in the application.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

How can we install the older drivers on vista? I tried several ways but all failed


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

There is’nt way.. how to resolve.. Wait or change the operating system.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

i wana thank the author for putting up this tutorial with pictures. it’s probably the best for windows xp users with the 3945 chipset. now can someone please translate it into better but simpler english?

i got winaircrack and they want ivs files. i got aircrack-ng and found out airodump would not work with my card. so i got omnipeek, and after trying and trying, i’m lost. i got a shitload of data but each time i run aircrack gui i only see not more than 1 iv in any target network. what exactly do i need to fill up in omnipeek, please? what bssid, where? what mac, where? what filters to check? help anyone?


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hi. I think you have to filter the trafic (for example by MAC adress or SSID). All the thing are configurable in the omnipeek menu. Nothing dificult.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hi. Omnipeek searched for packets for about 8 hours and found at least some 124.000 Packets with only 650 IV’s in it. I already set a MAC-Filter but even though i can’t get more IV’s. Can anybody tell me what to do?


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hi I think you need more traffic on the network. As long as the users on it are only browsing small websites, or just checking their mail, it can take a while before you’ve picked up enough good packets.

You might want to try sniffing at peak hours, in the mid-evening is usually a good time.

I’m not completely sure, but a way to generate traffic yourself is to take another wi-fi card and use it to connect to the network with the wrong password. It will not allow you in, but it will send out encrypted packets anyway. There should be some more information about this method out there. Hope my limited knowledge helped you a bit 🙂 Ian


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

I read all the posts here and in other sites. After hours of practice, i succesfully filtered wep data packets and saved them to a *.xxx file. Ok, after that i run winaircack and add the *.xxx file with the wep data packets i captured with omnipeek. I didnt filled any other filed in winaircrack, only the *.xx file.
Winaircrack started ok, and succesfully read the *.xxx file. Then it asked me for "INDEX NUMBER OF TARGET NETWORK" in the command prompt. After trying some Indexes i understood that i have to check the winaircrack command prompt and search the # (index) on which more wep ivs are found.
Dont know if im doing it right because i only captured about 300 ivs after a couple of hours. I know i need to capture more, so ill keep trying.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

I just got an HP Special Edition Notebook running Windows Vista Ultimate (64-bit) and it has an "Intel(R) Wireless WiFi Link 4965AG" as described by Device Manager. I have tried Airodump, Kismet, and I attempted this software, but none have worked. My brother has a Macbook with a standard AirPort card in it. I tried to use Kismac with the Viha driver on his Macbook but that didn’t cooperate either. It won’t load the card. I’ve tried many times and worked for hours but nothing is working. Can someone please help me!! If anyone can help me get a WEP key using either computer it would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

Hallo, is there a posibility to make more IV´s. You have to sniff more than a year to get 100.000 wep packets. After 2 hour i only get 2 IV´s.


Re: Discussion OmniPeek winAircrack

thank you