Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

to new commer: Hi, if you have & you are able capture the IV’s with CommView for WiFI application, you need’nt do nothing more. Just save your log to aceptable format for aircrack-ng and crack it. You can also try AiroWizard (GUI for aircrack-ng, aireplay-ng).

In the aircrack-ng is possible open any supported format of captured data. Thing I can not understand is what file and transfer protocol you mean in the question number 3.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

Thanks for your reply. I have just found out that aircrack can also accept .cap file transfer from commview log.

What I meant by question 3 is that after discovering of the Wep key and server password, I am also assign to impersonate of the legitimate client and connect to the server to download a secrete file from that server. Do you have any suggestion as how should I go about that?



Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

to new commer: Understand. Of course, if you don’t know how, you need to scan the server for running services (for example with Nmap). If server provide for example Telnet, SMB, FTP, HTTP or SSH service, you have to use some client application (web browser, ftp client or shell) to connect and take your file. If server don’t provide nothing to connect I think you have to exploit the server or inject mysql to gain access.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

I have cracked the WEP and recover the key, woohoo~~ BUT! What do I do with it? I mean, I am still confuse on how to use this key to access the secured network, let along of recover the server’s password. I have read your other postings and they are very helpful. So I hope to get some answer from you:
1)How do I find the IP address of the server?
2)how can I recover server’s password?
3)how can I connect to the Wireless AP as a legitimate user?

I have figure out how to connect to the Wireless AP, by spoofing MAC address using on of the tools I found over the web. But still, I can’t seem to figure out how to connect to the server and recover the password, I suppose I can use Putty to connect, but how do I find the IP address of the Server? Please help! Your time and guidance is appricated.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

The bottom line is you can packet inject in windows. If your having trouble buy an atheros based card and use the commview drivers, they are good enough that i can use the fake auth attack and fragmentation, then use packetforge to make my own arp and bam with in a half hour have it cracked

Oh and btw aircrack for windows also does WPA 1 i have done it to two routers now with a good dictionary. It still takes a while to crack wpa with a good dictionary. Any questions feel free to ask..


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

What about WPA ? Is it possible with aireplay too? (I mean can I catch IVS’s if there is no traffic the same way to decode the WPA-keys in it with any aircrackWPA-software later?)


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

sum1 help me pleas, i have windows vista and omnipeek personal and started capturing packets but when i go to file > save allpackets > when i choose the format there is no .cap format or .ivs, how can i save those packets so so the aircrack can reed them ? thx.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

I have tried packet injection many times. It works, but it is slow. I capture about 40 packets per second. It doesn’t depend on distance from AP, rate (1M, 11M or 54 M), my wireless card power etc. I’m injecting ARP request. Any ideas?


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

For wep cracking and fast efficient packet-injection with the intel 3945abg wifi chipset, download wifiway. Google it. Download 0.8, not the new 1.0beta. which I couldn’t get to work. 0.8 works like a dream. It’s an .iso file, so burn it to cd-r, (at a slow speed, to prevent errors), insert into your cd/dvd drive and set your bios to boot from the cd/dvd drive and away you go. I cracked every wep-encrypted AP within range, (about 25 AP’s). The average time was 2-3 minutes from choosing a target to recovering the wep key.

For a tutorial on using wifiway, google "cracking wep with wifiway", you’ll find a 10 minute video on youtube that tells you all you need to know. I’ll happily answer any questions posted here…


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

Unfortunately it is slow. I’ve started packet injection using Wifiway 0.8.
Now I use Ubuntu 7.10 with ipwraw. Both are slow. Thanks for your advice, but for me wifiway doesn’t make atack faster. (aireplay-ng -9 eth1 <== 30/30 responds)


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

Hi. I´m going to explode soon. Last year had sucessfully used this software to inject and get wep´s, using exactly same shetty hardware i´m trying now. Only now i cant even start airserv.
Windows XP, Netgear WPN511.
Few comments.
1- On the 0.9 version of aircrack-ng-win there is no airserv.exe. Sould i use the new 1.0-beta2-win?
2- On the ca6 Commview driver, there is only ca2k.dll. No commview.dll…
3- I´m pretty shore the problem is in the driver. Is there another driver to link the atheros chipset with those commands?

Manny thanks.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

First, Where can i download aircrack-ng-svn+driver+dll.rar?
AND, I downloaded aircrack-ng-1.0-rc1-win.zip and installed the driver from CommView for WiFi 6.0 package for my Netgear WAG511 Dual Band Wireless PC Card. It supports monitor mode. I am able to capture packets but airserv-ng does NOT work 🙁

C:aircrack-ng-1.0-rc1-winbin>airserv-ng -d "commview.dll|debug" -c 6 -v 2
Opening card commview.dll|debug
Name: [CommView] Atheros Wireless Network Adapter
get_guid: name: {211B587F-F8A2-488A-BB34-74B66FDE6683} desc: [CommView] Atheros
Wireless Network Adapter – Packet Scheduler Miniport
Does this look like your card? [y/n]
Setting chan 6
Opening sock port 666
Serving commview.dll|debug chan 6 on port 666
airserv-ng: wi_read(): Socket operation on non-socket

After displaying an error message, airserv-ng exits, my wireless connection immediately disconnects and then it re-connects.

Here is some info about DLLs i use:
Version of ca2k.dll is: and its size is: 120 KB
Creation date of commview.dll is 10/23/07 and its size is 490 KB
My OS is XP Pro SP3. I disabled XP’s built-in firewall and no other port is listening on 666.

Well, friends, i really want to know why i can’t get airserv-ng to work. Is my commview.dll outdated? or Which version of aircrack suite should i use? Should i patch Winsocks? I really need your help. Thanks!!


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows

Hi, easy solution for your sarch "problem" use site:airdump.net what_you_search in the Google search. Airserv-ng is experimental thing – the best you can do: Test another operating system – Backtrack, WiFISlax, DVL.. live CD, no install need.


Re: Discussion Aireplay-ng Packet Injection Windows


   I’ve been educating myself by reading wiki and many instructions on the net, but I’m stuck now. I would like to ask for your help.

[Prep]   I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit. My wireless card is Netgear WG311T. I’ve read that WG311T is capable of both monitoring, capturing, and packet injection (success reports as well as a few lists complied by some forums) I downloaded aircrack suite for Windows. I have installed Commview 6.1, which supports 64bit windows.

[Test]   I am able to run and capture packets using Commview just fine, so I know my wireless card is functioning fine.

Now, I’ve followed the instruction on how to do packet injection in windows. I made sure to download and place commview.dll as well (Commview 6.1 doesn’t come with it). The below is the steps I’ve taken:

1. Start Airserv-ng (airserv-ng -d commview.dll -c 6)

2. Airserv-ng runs fine (tells me it’s running on port 666)

3. Open another cmd and start airodump-ng (airodump-ng –ivs –ch 6 -w dumpfile

airodump appears to run as it’s supposed to, but there is no network (not even my own wifi) listed. It’s just blank. Please see the following picture for it.

http://mzjiug.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p … De/001.JPG

Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thank you.