Topic: Packet Injection Help
Hello I am new to WEP cracking and I have learned how to use Airodump and Aircrack… in windows. But something is missing that is very important and helpful i have tried everything i can to get aireplay to work in windows but with no luck. So even though im retarted i want to try to learn a bit about linux.
Im having worlds of problems with getting the install part to work and everything compiled directly. Finding a compatible kernel has seemed like an endless hunt through forums and articles.
Maybe there is a way to take an open source linux ISO (if it exists) and compile it with all available drivers like madwifi (atheros which im using)and the awesome aircrack-ng suite 🙂 for those retard windows users like me who cannot grasp the concept of building a wifi environment.
Maybe someone here could point me in the right direction to a complete noob step by step on how to install linux, madwifi and aircrack-ng to work perfectly on an atheros based PCI card.
Hope someone out there can help me.