Topic: Backtrack 3 Final HDD Installation

Hi, does anybody have experience with installation of Backtrack 3 Final on hard disc? I have 3GB free space. Will that be enough? Any other references?

Mod Edit: Similar topic is Bootloader modification. Texts and tutorials about distribution can be found in section Backtrack on portal airdump.net.

Last edited by dodik (2022-06-22 17:02:22)


Re: Backtrack 3 Final HDD Installation

Few remarks
– The distribution does not contain ethernet card driver atheros (new motherboard from Intel, for example MB  Intel P5KC). After installing the driver it does not work anyway. In prerelease the ethernet card after installation  and loading the driver worked perfectly.
– In the menu there is a Gslapt icon but the application is not in the system. After installation the Gslapt is not stable.
– Nor CD or USB version of BackTrack 3 Final has not it’s not stable (after a minute, it stops with a UTF error, or GTK error).
– Both CD and USB versions of BackTrack 3 Final do not have an instalation menu
– If you start the system by choosing Compiz in LILO, then the GUI applications do not have frames..

3 GB of space is enough