Topic: Airserv-ng problem


I got a quick question regarding the installation of the commview drivers. I extracted the packet, manually installed the drivers, but there is a problem. The drivers installed OK but when I try to run the commands it says "adapter not found." I have an proxim oronico  802.11a/g combocard silver 8481, so everything was set with that, but when I go to load the command prompt it says the following:

C:Program FilesAircrack>Airserv-ng -d commview.dll -p 12345 -c 6 (the testing command at the tutorial screen)
Opening card commview.dll
Adapter not found
airserv-ng: wi_open(): No error

then it goes back to the prompt.

As far as I can tell, the adapter is installed correctly and zero config is disabled, as well as my other wireless card and my RJ45 network card as well. (I enable to the hardwired card to go online and type this).

Does anyone know what the problem could be and what I might do to fix it?

Thank you all very much!


Re: Airserv-ng problem


Maybe .dll mix 🙂 or various port?

Test port 666. Connect with command -> airserv-ng -d commview.dll -p 666 -c 6 (or your own channel)

Use always the same port for any application.. If you start airserv-ng at port 666 do not use (in the Airodump-ng, Aireplay-ng) port number 12345 (text improved thanks)

Port number shows aireserv-ng console => opening sock port …. number

Last edited by p00lL (2022-06-20 19:32:54)


Re: Airserv-ng problem

When I try to view the thread I created when I am logging in I am getting this error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ‘)’ in /data/web/airdump.net/sub/forum/lang/English/topic.php on line 28.

Happens on both web browsers that I use.


I followed your advice but the problem is the same. I tried port 666 and channel 6, and different channels and different ports and nothing worked. It simply is not recognizing my adapter, but windows does and it says the driver is installed. Also, how do I know what channel and what port to use?

Thanks so much!


Re: Airserv-ng problem

Try to use https.. to fix forum error view..

The channel is set  for using Airserv-ng with Airodum-.ng => If you want to scan (in the Airodump.ng) channel 5 you have to set up channel 5 at the start of Airserv-ng too..

1. I have tested it just now. Here is the log:

C:User>airserv-ng -d "commview.dll|debug" -p 12345 -c 5
Opening card commview.dll|debug
Name: [CommView] Atheros Wireless Network Adapter
get_guid: name: {D32909B7-51EC-482D-6A3F-F2EE8A8D09} desc: [CommView] Atheros
Wireless Network Adapter – Packet Scheduler Miniport
Does this look like your card? [y/n]
Setting chan 5
Opening sock port 12345
Serving commview.dll|debug chan 5 on port 12345 …

2. I also tried it with the latest .dll (ca2k.dll) I have the same error: "airserv-ng: wi_open(): No error"
..as you have writen

1. Turn off firewall, turn of windows wireless card management, turn of orinoco tool for card management then run airserv-ng in debug mode and post into the forum what the airserv-ng console shows up.
2. Reset the card every time you stop working with..

Command with debug is:
airserv-ng -d "commview.dll|debug" -p 666 -c 6


Last edited by p00lL (2022-06-20 21:20:40)


Re: Airserv-ng problem

I tried using https but the forum still wont let me view anything or reply to anything while logged in – i can only create a new thread.

I do not have the Oronico tools enabled, I simply manually installed the commview driver when I plugged the card in, I never installed the windows drivers with it.

I have also disabled and stopped wireless zero configuration within the system services menu.

So I navigate in command prompt to the path for the aircrack directory  (I moved it to Program FilesAircrack) – in case that matters which I doubt…

Type and get this:

airserv-ng -d "commview.dll|debug" -p 555 -c 5
Opening card commview.dll|debug
Name: [CommView] Proxim ORiNOCO 802.11a/g ComboCard Silver 8481
get_guid: Name: <lots of numbers> desc: ORiNOCO and such #2 – Packet Scheduler Mainport
Does this look like your card? [Y/N]
Setting chan 5
Opening sock port 555
Serving commview.dll|debug chan 5 on port 555

But now it just hangs there and does nothing…no response at all, just hangs after that….any suggestions?


Re: Airserv-ng problem

..maybe i got it 🙂 ..you have carry on with another one console..
The "hangs" it´s o.k.. Ther is nothing else to do. You have:

1. open anotherone (second, third) console
2. cd to the same directory..
3. run airodump-ng.

In the first just control the debug message. (ctrl+c finished the aplication)


Re: Airserv-ng problem

I’ve made some progress and I think I have gotten it, but I have some final questions:

How long do I run airodump for before I get enough data to decide which BSSID to run aireplay for?

When running aireplay, I’m assuming I use the BSSID of the target router (whatever one is listed on airodump that I want), but what destination MAC address do I use? On the screenshot it lists sources destinations and a BSSID – something I do not see on my screen. When I run aireplay using the directions on the tutorial I type in aireplay-ng -2 -b 00:0F:66:48:78:34 -d 00:0F:66:48:78:34 Is this the right syntax? I dont know what other MAC do use for the second one because the tutorial doesnt specify. When I run that the screen just says "Connecting to port 555…Reading 12,000 packets" (the number rises steadily but nothing else happens).

When running airodump after 34 minutes or so I get this message: Caught Signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Please contact the author!, and on airserv I get "Death from" What does this mean?

I really, really appreciate all the help you guys have given me on this and I really want to learn how this program works. Any information you can give me would be awesome!

Thanks so much!!!


Re: Airserv-ng problem

xtrsid wrote:

How long do I run airodump for before I get enough data to decide which BSSID to run aireplay for?

The best way is to have view of situation around 🙂 [signal, traffic count etc..]
If you have´nt idea, and airodump-ng works fine 1 minute is enought to see worky AP, trafic count etc.

When running aireplay, I’m assuming I use the BSSID of the target router (whatever one is listed on airodump that I want), but what destination MAC address do I use?

The active clients airodump-ng detect in no time. If you assume that some "sleepy" clients are, kick them with aireplay-ng "deauth" (attack -0). After clients reconnect, airodump-ng detect and show it.
If the AP is "empty" it´s useless. You have to try something else (attack -3 -4 or -5)

On the screenshot it lists sources destinations and a BSSID – something I do not see on my screen. When I run aireplay using the directions on the tutorial I type in aireplay-ng -2 -b 00:0F:66:48:78:34 -d 00:0F:66:48:78:34 Is this the right syntax?

No clients no -d MAC to use with attack -2. Search for active network.. Syntax is ok.

Connecting to port 555…Reading 12,000 packets" (the number rises steadily but nothing else happens)

Yea, there is nothing to get.. You have to try something else (attack -3 -4 or -5) or wait for clients.

When running airodump after 34 minutes or so I get this message: Caught Signal 11 (SIGSEGV). Please contact the author!, and on airserv I get "Death from" What does this mean?

It means the application is unstable.. (problem with memory)

I think new Proxim use Atheros chipset(?) The best what you can do is download and install Backtrack (or Ubuntu 6.06) distro. Your progress will acquire new dimension 🙂


Re: Airserv-ng problem

hi, i am a newbie too using airowizard in windows…
i have tried using backtrack in linux and it’s great…
but it don’t happen in windows….especially for me and maybe there are others……

here it is:
i have read the help (in the program) and take the special note

"Always start AiroWizard from its original location! Do not use shortcuts"

i didn’t update the driver of my usb wireless adapter from cisco as the airowizard don’t have any mod’d driver for this adapter. (Linksys WUSB54GC compact wireless G USB Network Adapter)
so i left skip this step.

but my usb wifi was detected and i choose it…..
then move to monitor mode…..i set to debug mode in level 1…..
clicked the start airserv-ng……..

And a windows quickly flashed out and then off……. i clicked again….and it happened again…..again and again…

Help and solve needed



Re: Airserv-ng problem

sir please help me!

I was able to open the path for the aircrack but i cannot do the 2nd step which is to start airserv on the channel 6 using this command: airserv-ng -d commview.dll -p 12345 -c 6

Since I cannot do that I can’t go forward to the next steps.

Please help me… thanks…