Topic: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Helo im need help. I can very bad english so i hope for help in german or serbien. Ich  nutze die backtrack 3 beta verisin (usb-version), i moechte nun eigene videos aufnehmen und bin auf xvidCAP gestossen, und habe eure kurze anleitung gefunden, da ich aber kein englisch verstehe kann ich ich mit der anleitung nicht viel anfangen.
ich waere froh wen sich jemandan zeit nehmen wuerde um mir zu helfen. Also ich meine diese anleitung: BackTrack 3 Beta:

For Backtrack 3 download pack and after unpacking copy from it binary files (according to folders in archive) /bin and /usr/share into the system. The application runs without problems only when you set it off by command in console xvidcap –auto

Please make  a "how to"(record your screen), how install and start xvidCAP on backtrack 3beta (usb-version).

Thanks wire, danke im voraus,   Goran

Last edited by cagalj (2022-04-10 14:27:29)


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Hi. The tutorial XvidCap is updated. Now is easy. Just download xvidcap-20071215-i486-1mtx.tgz pack and run one command (installpkg xvidcap-20071215-i486-1mtx.tgz). Thats all. After this you can find click menu button in the Media menu (BackTrack 3).


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Thanks brother, but thats not work, i can not install. It say packagae is corupt. Can you xvidcap fix inastall on backtrack 3 (usb-version), than make a torrent or emule link. Thats to be nice. I love love slavian forums, evry fast help. Hvala za pomoc

Last edited by cagalj (2022-04-11 07:48:01)


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Hi. The package is 100% o.k. I have tested yesterday on USB installed Backtrack 3 before I post the answer. Try to download xvidcap from our server and be sure you download 3.1 MB (link).


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Not work 🙁 Please intregrted xvidCAP in backtrack 3 (usb-version), and make a torrent, i need the that so. I have a fast download speed, so for me is 943mb (bt3) to download very fast and simply. please wire! I make a movi with Edius Pro, and i write in the credits you name and forum-link 100% 😀


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Hi. Make ISO is not problem.. but I’m afraid that you did nothing to get it work (you have’nt sent not even one error log). Remake the ISO and upload 1GB od data about one man unhandiness is to big wish. Sorry.


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Wy for one person. Make a torrent and im sure im not only downloader. please slavian brother help me. 943mb is not very big, 30 minutes i downloaded that, than can you stop the seed end im hold the seed. Molimte slavski brate, pomozi meni i ispuni mi želju. Hvala.


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

Post your error log from xvidcap installation here, or run remote desktop (vnc server) application in your backtrack installation. I can connect to your desktop and check it. Maybe solve your problem. Download time 30 minutes is nice but you forgot calculate mine upload rate 256 kbps 🙂


Re: Install xvidCap Backtrack 3

The error is "corrupt files" or "not tgz file". I give up. Your upload rate 256 kbps, is for me not problem. I search other ways for my problem. Thanks for your support.