Topic: Wireshark filter and WPA crack

Sup guys. I tried using the Wireshark fitering tool with the "protol=eapol" string to capture handshake. I i  got something,  but thhere is not much of it as my battery died on me. The other sad thing is that I found out that I dont know what to do next. So.. can anybody point me  in the right direction? Some links and aticles I should study. Thanx in advance.


Re: Wireshark filter and WPA crack

Hi. What youu need is a decent dictionary and then you can use cowpatty or aircrack-ng. Check this out and it shoould get clearer  – Cracking WPA-PSK secured Wireless Networks.


Re: Wireshark filter and WPA crack

Hey, thanx. When I save the capture, which format should I use? Is  the .cap format OK? …so aicrack-ng can use it?
And when I get a  dictionary, what should I do? I mean where do I put it to be used, 35 is a lot too. Thanx


Re: Wireshark filter and WPA crack

Hello. Yes, .cap is OK to use. By the way, 35Gb are the different  variations of words. Where to have it you will have to figure that out by yourself. If you will use the dict in plain text format, use this synthaxevolbu

aircrack-ng -w dictionay capture_file.cap

Cowpatty usage has been already described in the mentioned article. You may use just a part of thhe dictionary or you can have it on an external hrad drive.

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