Topic: Increasing number of ath interface Ubuntu ar5007EG

Hello. I’ve got problems with my card Atheros ar5007EG, I’m using the madwifi-ng-r2756-20071018 driver patched with madwifi-ng-0933.ar2425.20071130.i386 in ubuntu 7.10, core 2.6.22-14. When I want to switch it into the monitor mode, i do this:

wlanconfig ath0 destroy
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode monitor

the gard switches, but changes its name from ath0 to ath1 and the next time ath2 and so on. After reboot it is ath0 again, so I switch it again:

wlanconfig ath0 destroy
wlanconfig ath0 create wlandev wifi0 wlanmode monitor

but this time it doesn’t appear as ath1 but it continues with the numbers 3, 4, … Could you tell me how to avoid this wierd behaviour? Thanks for your help.


Re: Increasing number of ath interface Ubuntu ar5007EG

Hi. It’s nott thhe card’s fault. The problem is in udev. I looked into ubuntu and in


it builds up as you said. It’s not a big deal, but if it bothers you, the solution is simple. Check out the file mentioned above and remove from rules for generating ath* and

/etc/init.d/udev reload

then try wlanconfig again… create and destroy