Topic: Backtrack or Ubuntu success with Airpwn 1.3

On my operating system Backtrack 2 Linux with wireless card AlfaAWUSO36H rig, it bombs out with "Segmentation fault" immediately after detecting a GET | POST.

On my Ubuntu Hardy Heron Linux Atheros rig, it only detects beacons & probes from a distant access point, and no data packets. Thanks,


Re: Backtrack or Ubuntu success with Airpwn 1.3

You gave no information and with my telepatic predispozitions I can say just: put Monitor monitor On, install all prerequisites (libpcap, libnet, libpcre, lorcon, openssl) or check out Readme file in the pack. Ps: Ubuntu Linux need packages libpcap-dev, libssl-dev, libnet1-dev, libpcre3-dev.


Re: Backtrack or Ubuntu success with Airpwn 1.3

Bode, all of these packages had already been installed? What more info can i give? The program runs on both machines but on the Evo, it gives Segmentation fault immediately after a match is discovered, and quits on the Presario, it processes managment packets but does not detect any data packets … What more can i say?


Re: Backtrack or Ubuntu success with Airpwn 1.3

Linux gives you possibility documentate and dump all things. If is problem check and post logs.. what more can I do for you? I think nothing. For me Airpwn works (Ubuntu, Backtrack) without problems.. (Ubuntu have some troubles with Lorcon compilation but solved in 10 minuts from trunk source & dpkg)