I’ve been educating myself by reading wiki and many instructions on the net, but I’m stuck now. I would like to ask for your help.
[Prep] I have Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit. My wireless card is Netgear WG311T. I’ve read that WG311T is capable of both monitoring, capturing, and packet injection (success reports as well as a few lists complied by some forums) I downloaded aircrack suite for Windows. I have installed Commview 6.1, which supports 64bit windows.
[Test] I am able to run and capture packets using Commview just fine, so I know my wireless card is functioning fine.
Now, I’ve followed the instruction on how to do packet injection in windows. I made sure to download and place commview.dll as well (Commview 6.1 doesn’t come with it). The below is the steps I’ve taken:
1. Start Airserv-ng (airserv-ng -d commview.dll -c 6)
2. Airserv-ng runs fine (tells me it’s running on port 666)
3. Open another cmd and start airodump-ng (airodump-ng –ivs –ch 6 -w dumpfile
airodump appears to run as it’s supposed to, but there is no network (not even my own wifi) listed. It’s just blank. Please see the following picture for it.
http://mzjiug.bay.livefilestore.com/y1p … De/001.JPG
Please let me know what I am doing wrong. Thank you.