Topic: Exploit where do I do the mistake in Metasploit?

Please help, after scan in Etthercap  I start msfweb, choose exploit, comes back as loaded:

Exploit launched.
[-] Exploit failed: The address is already in use (

Will somebody more experienced help?  Thx nicohamone Ps: please how do I insert screenshot?

Last edited by nicohamone (2022-05-31 13:48:42)


Re: Exploit where do I do the mistake in Metasploit?

Hi. On the PC is port 4444 already occupied by running service. What about scanning PC by Nmap?

Ps: Do you exploit the local PC where the metasploit runs? Did you correctly insert your IP of the end machine?


Re: Exploit where do I do the mistake in Metasploit?

Screenshot would be useful …