Topic: Wireless adapter Alfa AWUS036H
Just got it installed yesterday. This little sucker rocks. The following comparison tests are based on airodump-ng power ratings. All samples approx. 100 feet (30 metres) from Access Point:
Presario w/built-in 15
Atheros chipset
(no ext. antenna)Compaq Evo N600c 34
w/Linksys WGUSB
& rubber duckyEvo N600c 120
w/Alfa & rubber duckyEvo N600C 125
w/Alfa & Hawking
directional ext. antEvo N600c 132
w/Super directional
Still working on installing Backtrack on the Evo. Some problems partitioning but I think this is due to 4,000 cylinders on the drive and should solve it soon. Interestingly, while the drivers from Taiwan compiled and worked fine, aircrack-ng would NOT show power. But with the Backtrack 2 c/d, everything worked perfectly.