Cross Site Scripting by Anton Rager. XSS is typically perceived as a minimal threat by many developers and security professionals. There have been some good papers in the past that should have woken folks up to the potential risks of XSS, but the problem is still prevalent and most security folks are not interested in the issue and its ramifications. I hope to change that perception with this paper and the release of a tool called XSS-Proxy that allows XSS attacks to be fully controlled by a remote attacker.
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Cross-Site Scripting is an extensive topic that has been described in the past by several people. Although there is a but. I open a page and start to read a cool text, lots of examples and nice colours all around. But after one hour of reading you are still at the begining. So why after reading AirDump tutorial you should manage XSS in a while? This will be answered in this text called Hacking web applications – XSS. First of all most of the tutorials that can be found on the web are focused on technical and theoretical aspects.