Abhinav Singh, Metasploit Penetration Testing Cookbook – Over seventy recipes to master the most widely used penetration testing framework. Metasploit software helps security and Information Technologies professionals to identify security issues, verify vulnerability alleviations, and manage expert-driven security evaluations. Among its capabilities belong smart exploitation, password auditing, web application scanning, and social engineering.. URL to download section at the end of the text.
Katalog ‘exploit’
After one year of develop the new version of Metasploit Framework released for download. The 3.1 version include a graphical user interface, 450 modules and more than 200 remote exploits. Metasploit runs on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X and BSD. The Windows version of Metasploit includes GUI, console, web interface access, dependencies and networking tools. You can download Metasploit 3.1 version at end of this text. Changelog. Officially using Cygwin for Windows support, Additional stager used for large Windows stages
Art of exploitation – Mastering PC in the net Distribution: Backtrack 2 Final Wi-Fi: CM9, Yagi 17dB (driver: patched madwifi) Aplication: Aircrack, Kismet, Nmap, Ettercap, Metasploit Box: PI, 233MHz, 160MB RAM. Comes in useful: 1 piece active downloader on p2p net. Note: This is a description of a true situation. The critical moments are shonw in the promo. The Internet is full of Wi-Fi hardware offers, rules and regulation. But..