Finally there exists a way how to solve packet injection with driver for wifi card Intel WiFi Link 4965AGN – operating system Linux. The one modified is the original driver iwlwifi (included for example in distribution Backtrack Linux). Be aware that the packet injection is functional but still it is an experimental thing (develop version). Besides the complicated compilation and occasional unstability
Katalog pro September, 2008
Hundreds of programmers, years of development, millions of dollars. If you have installed on your desktop or laptop operating system Windows Vista and you are still thinking that it is the better and more safer system then keep on reading. This small prezentation might change your mind. You probably know an older process with crack NTLM hashe in Windows XP, or changing the password by application CIA commander.
Before we start, the 700 MB ISO image which is mentioned in the news is the stripped to fit onto a CD. The Full version of BackTrack 3 Beta is 1 GB big, named as the USB version. It can only be installed on a Flash disk or be burnt onto a DVD with some modifications. This article is a simple guide to a Flash disk instalation. Acording to available information, the lowest capacity of flash this version of BackTrack has been tested on is 2 GB.
With regards to the conference Defcon there has appeared the first publication Subway Hack on internet. The funny thing is that the San Francisco court forbided publishing the material (or even talk about it) just before making the prezentation public at the conference. On the top og it the whole project was removed from the author´s web right after that. Is this a some kind of a honour? Who and why was risking the Streisand effect?
Why free wifi hot-spot list? For sure you were sometimes looking for a Free Wi-Fi Hot Spot. The internet is overloaded with commercial offers so we have decided to uncover part of our private Free WiFi Hot Spots database. From now on it is available for everyone. The database will be still growing so if you won’t find your hot spot connection today it could be there tomorrow. The database insert is free and we would be happy for your input from all around the world.
Last year we told about not so well know tool called MDK, as part of the “Cracking WEP key – Acces Point with pree-shared key (PSK” concept. Alot of time has passed by since then and now we have well workiong stable version even with GUI extension Charon. It was not much of a deal in Fall 2007, but the situation has changed. The autor has also decidedd to eneble the Destruction Mode in the menu.
This is second part of pentesting how to (Ultimate Ubuntu Guide). Lessons from 1 to 9 you can find at How to crack WEP. In this part we ‘ll continue with technique called korek chopchop attack, wep key cracking, aireplay-ng examples, rejects open-system authentication, packetforge-ng, 5GHz band (including frequency and modularity information) , WPA (WPA-PSK) cracking abstrack, connecting to network (gateway, internet) and epilogue
As you might not have noticed, there is an inovation in the last release of the Backtrack 3 Beta. A new posibility to instal applications via the new graphical interface (GUI) called gslapt (a slap-get add-on). The problem is that something went wrong either during the making or compiling process of the installed version. It just doesn’t work. Instead of gslap showing you the avilable packages you want to get, it only shows you the ones already installed.